For anyone looking to move general domestic items, garden waste etc. Great trailers for camping and holidays.
Have you got a big tent and an array of furniture and accessories? Camping trailers are a popular choice for adventurous families & groups who want to experience the joy of outdoor living without sacrificing comfort. These trailers come in various sizes and styles, the most popular being a single axle trailer with either a high frame and cover or with extended height solid sides. The big advantages of using a camping trailer are that it allows people to bring all their kit and gadgets that make your holiday that much more enjoyable and relaxing whilst also doubling up as a ‘shed’ to store all the kit you don’t want to keep in your tent or camper van. For us as a family, a trailer is as essential as the tent and equipment we pack inside it. It also means we have plenty of space in the car for our beloved Labrador, Ben.
These trailers typically come from our domestic range. They are all fully galvanised meaning they can happily live outside in all weathers without needing extra protection. They are some of the easiest trailers to tow and come as standard with built in lights and jockey wheels meaning that once you’ve fitted your number plate, you’re ready to start your adventures. All of our trailers also conform to EU Type Approval which means they are permitted and legal to use in Europe.
If you have any questions about any of our camping trailers, please feel free to contact us.
South West Trailers, Yard 5 Storage Zone, Storage Lane, Pound Lane Industrial Estate, Exmouth Devon EX8 4NP
Vat No: 313835905
We are available every day except Christmas day & Boxing day but we may not be at the yard unless we know you’re coming!
01395 891046 / 07403 931458 / towing@swtrailers.co.uk